About Bela Koe-Krompecher

Bela Koe-Krompecher works as a social worker in Columbus, Ohio. He is the author of the forthcoming book “Love, Death & Photosynthesis” (Don Giovanni–due August 6, 2021) as well as the author of several graphic comics (Nix Comics). He has two children that he writes about frequently and he never says no to pizza or coffee. https://www.dongiovannirecords.com/products/693495-bela-koe-krompecher-love-death-photosynthesis

27 Responses to “About Bela Koe-Krompecher”

  1. Rick Allen Says:


    I have been following your blog with great interest recently, and have come to enjoy your warts and all writing style.

    Rick Allen

  2. michael Says:

    i second that thought- really enjoyed reading that crap. (crap meant as a term of endearment btw)

  3. Karleen Materne Says:

    In a matter of 24 hours I have discovered that my high school friend–and sort-of- boyfriend–Jerry Wick is dead. It’s one of those things where I was getting Facebook Friend Requests from unlikely people and started random searches for some old friends and, like an idiot, never thought any of them would actually be dead.
    If you would like to ‘talk’ or share experiences about Jerry, please email me. I’ve been crying all day. Thank you.

  4. bMethe Says:

    found your blog via The Other Paper article. Looking forward to reading more.


  5. Jerome Freeman Says:

    Hi Bela,

    Nice memories from the Other paper article. I used to play Bass for Jenny Mae’s ” RAVERS ” back in the 90’s for a few gigs anyway. I always thought she’d make waves she’s very talented. Anyway I run sound and am also the new breakfast cook at Victorian’s Midnight cafe. I wonder if Jenny Mae would like to come to Vic’s and see what we can do, tell her I’m the guy who’s bassline she vamped ” Fuc# You M**^er’F#!$ers to it was a fun time! Good luck and hope to see you at Vic’s soon we’re looking for alternative type bookings as the new owners want something new! Thanks again!
    Jerome ” G Pa ” Freeman

  6. christine Says:

    Hi Bela,
    Enjoying the blog, your writing, and the memories you’re pulling up for me. In 1993 I moved to Columbus and started working at Bernie’s, shopping at Used Kids, and spending my nights listening to bands, uncrossing my arms only long enough to drink rolling rocks, black labels and do shots of jager. I came in at the end of an era-too many speed balls, too much heroin was taking people out left and right, new bands were coming on the scene. The people you mention were legends to me, somehow the real musicians, the people who put Columbus and it’s underground music on the map. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

  7. Mike Aspel Says:

    I am one of those degenerates that frequently visited the trailer in 89. I do not remember this Tommy dude. I must have moved before that happened. I was a classmate of your brothers in middle school, and I remember when he came back to go to OU(very fuzzy). Big Daddy Dan may want royalties on the blog. Although the argument could be made that the trailer was a public institution. I would like to make contact with your brother. Could you forward my email to him. Also since you live in Columbus, if you know anything about the where abouts of Tafa or Chris Leonard I would appriciate an email. Good Blog

    Thanks, Mike

  8. Aaron Says:

    Great read, Bela. I was out on the fringes of the scene you lived through and it rings true in your writing. Just reading this stuff brings back old Stache’s/Walt’s Lounge/Larry’s memories…

  9. Yvonne Says:

    Hi I just moved back to ohio and started reading your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Marla Says:

    After the double-take upon noting that Jenny Mae is on Friday’s Comfest schedule, I started looking back in time (I was on the fringe of the scene, as simply a live music fan here, forever), and stumbled onto you, then the blog. Never met you, saw you in the store and at shows more than a whole bunch of times though. We had loads of acquaintances in common. ‘Nuff said on that. I am writing because your writing is absolutely wonderful. I first grabbed one item at random from the archive, then another and another but not in order, and was so bummed when I realized I had read them all. Going to go back for a second time today. Expressive and beautiful.

  11. Dan Dougan Says:

    Rick Allen sure knows about “warts and all” style writing.

  12. Betsy Shatto Says:

    Bela, thanks for such an amazing insight into your life and Jenny Mae’s. My niece has been very lucky to have such a friend as you have been through all the years. Keep up with the writing…you’re a talented man, Bela!!

  13. Mark Scott Says:

    Bela my old friend so great to see you are doing well. I found this site as a total fluke and am overjoyed to see you writing. Shoot me an email so we can catch up after all these many years.

  14. Nuhu Mohammed Sanusi Says:

    Nuhu Mohammed Sanusi
    Bela i am inspired by your stories, I have always thought that you will be a great social worker since I knew you as a little baby in the early 70’s in Athens. You took the charesteristics of your mom (Susan). Keep on with the goodwork of helping others. regards to your family.

  15. Jon Barber Says:

    Hey Bela, good talkin’ to you last night. Thanks for putting me on to your blog – I’m enjoying it. You’re probably the only student I’ve ever had with the life experience to pull a thing like this off. It rings true. Good writing, man!
    Say “hi” to Z for me. And Chris Biester, too, if you see him around. Take care. Jon Barber

  16. AnchovyArchives Says:

    Greetings from Leicestershire, UK !! I am listening to GBV at your birthday party, June 18th 1994. It sounded like a great bash.
    All the best for the future – John (AnchovyArchives)
    btw – the live set can be found on the following blog

  17. Philip Bolwerk Says:

    He Bela,

    last time we spoke it was Amsterdam!
    I like to be in touch with you again.
    I hope all is well.
    Hope to hear from you soon!


  18. jim Says:


    Stumbled to the blog researching Ohio music – I lived in Columbus 85-90 and was friends with many people you also knew, Mark Pharmaloe (sp?/RIP), Craig Dunson, Ron House, Matt Reber, and others. I’m in Chicago now. Reading this reminds me of my years there as we were part of the same scene. I like your writing style, and you keep things interesting. I have a radio show at http://chirpradio.org Saturdays 9pm-12 and my past shows are archived at http://muonchirp.blogspot.com – I recently dedicated a show to underground Ohio bands and I loved it, but the archive is behind – it will go up soon I hope.

  19. nazz Says:

    Stumbled across your blog. Started getting lost in stories of people I used to know. What time is it? Where am I?
    Drop me an e-mail. I lost my contact list in a moment of brain-dead file folder deletion.

  20. Doug Pitts Says:

    Is there any word yet on when the book will come out and how it will be obtainable? I couldn’t locate Don Giovanni. Thanks.

  21. Jerome Freeman Says:

    I met you rockin the bass for Ms. Jenny Mae back in da day loved the energy;^)!

  22. Montgomery Fox Says:

    Hi Bela (I’m looking for Bela Koe-Krompecher)
    My name is Montgomery Fox and I lived in Dayton from 90-96, played in a band, Protex Blue, and obviously have loved GBV ever since, especially the “Crying your Knife Away” live record. Also, it’s been so fun and emotional reading your well written blog. Thanks

    I’m joining friends on a Podcast and may review “CryingKnife away” I’d love to invite on or ask a few questions to you or you can direct to where you may have shared your thoughts before. I think your take would be special since “this party’s for Bela!”

    And hope this finds you well- take this jolt of admiration as a clean shot of the good-kinda drugs!

  23. NancyWalter Says:

    I actually enjoy reading your blog, that’s pretty interesting, and thoughtful..

    sincerely, Victoria..

  24. emilie Says:

    i am a writer from columbus based in brooklyn now. reading your blog captures my (our) home so beautifully it makes my eyes misty. it’s strange to see so much of myself and my friends’ experiences growing up in central ohio in your writing, even though we are generations apart. i’ve spent a lot of time listening to jenny’s music and maneuvering around columbus, curious about what her life was like, and sure it resembled mine in some way. thank you for sharing your precious memories with us… i left columbus in part because i felt there was no literature scene there, your blog proves me wrong ten-fold. hope this message finds you well.
    your friend,

    • belakoekrompecher Says:

      Thank you Emilie, I hope you are doing well, this makes me quite happy! I am curious what you write about as well? And I don’t know if you are aware of my book. With kind regards, Bela

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